First steps to my first blog
December 26, 2023
Hi there, this is my first ever blog post on my first ever blog so bear with me if I ramble a bit.
To be very honest, I completely underestimated how complicated it is to build a functional website. In order to realize my vision for a clean user-friendly site took me more than 10 hours of research, testing and trying out WordPress (did I mention this is also my first website?). And even now there are still so many details that can use some polishing (so DEFINITELY drop in some comments or suggestions!) but I’m just too excited to post for the very first time so here I go:
Initial Thoughts
Initially, making a website was just a school project, but this was too good of an opportunity to pass by and I really wanted to make something worthwhile. I got my accounts and basic set-up done with the help of a teacher, but then came the frustrating part: I have no idea how to make a website. The WordPress page was filled with too many functions I did not understand and I embarked on a frenetic dive into Google and wound up even more confused. After more than an hour of attempted research, I landed on a something useful. Somewhere in the vast sea of information was the kind suggestion to start with themes and templates.
As it turns out, there are thousands of templates online to choose from. I had no idea which was best. I decided that I shouldn’t waste too much time aimlessly looking through the templates and went for Simple Nova. It seemed to live up to its name of being simple, just basic blog elements and pages. Seems manageable.
Content Plans
And then I realized yet another important piece that I’d neglected: I had no idea how I was going to organize my content. And it went back to Google. Search after search; article after article; website after website. It was too much. State of art widgets and links would have to wait. I needed to get the basics straight. A simple guide gave me step-by-step information on how to set up pages and posts and I followed in religiously. And here I am!
This is the beginning of a journey. A journey not just for me, but us. Together, let’s embark on an odyssey of words, sharing our thoughts along the way.
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